Will only be valid for the referrer in the 2nd month of a 3 or 6 months subscription starting January 2025*
✔ $30 for you: $10 for your friend who signs up for Zoomo
✔ Refer as much as you like: You can refer an unlimited number of friends. Share it and get your rewards
✔ 20€ for you for bringing a friend who signs up for Zoomo
✔ Refer as much as you like: You can refer an unlimited number of friends. Share it and get your rewards
✔ 20€ para ti: Gana 20€ en créditos de alquiler Zoomo con cada registro de un amigo.
✔ Tu amigo no se queda fuera: Disfrutará también de 20€ de descuento
✔ Recomienda sin fin: No hay límite para la cantidad de amigos que puedes referir. ¡Sigue compartiendo, sigue ganando!
Haz que tu amigo saque una cita en nuestra web:
Cita para bici eléctrica
Cita para moto eléctrica
El día de su cita, asegúrate de que tu amigo comparta tu número de teléfono.
Tu amigo se suscribe a Zoomo ¡y listo! Podrás disfrutar de tu descuento de 20€ en tu próxima factura.
Find your unique Referral Code in the referral offer email, if you can’t find your referral code in your email, simply give your friend your email address tied to your Zoomo account, and we will take care of it from there.
Of course you can. There is no limit to the number of people you can refer to Zoomo. Bear in mind that the person you refer to Zoomo must be a new customer.
Both you and your friend will get your credit automatically deducted from your next subscription payment as long as both accounts are in good standing.
Standard terms of service with rental or Ride-to-Own plans still apply.
It may take up to 2 weeks for your Zoomo credit to be credited to your account. Your friend must apply your Referral Code or be verified by store staff in order to be eligible for the referral discount.
If the referred customer has had a Zoomo subscription within the last 90 days, the referral will not be considered successful, and neither the referrer nor the referee will receive the discount. If the referred customer is new to Zoomo, with no previous subscription or a previous subscription more than 90 days ago, the referral will be considered successful, and both the referrer and the referee will receive the discount.
Find your unique Referral Code in the referral offer email, if you can’t find your referral code in your email, simply give your friend your email address tied to your Zoomo account, and we will take care of it from there.
Of course you can. There is no limit to the number of people you can refer to Zoomo. Bear in mind that the person you refer to Zoomo must be a new customer.
Both you and your friend will get your credit automatically deducted from your next subscription payment as long as both accounts are in good standing.
Standard terms of service with rental or Ride-to-Own plans still apply.
It may take up to 2 weeks for your Zoomo credit to be credited to your account. Your friend must apply your Referral Code or be verified by store staff in order to be eligible for the referral discount.
If the referred customer has had a Zoomo subscription within the last 90 days, the referral will not be considered successful, and neither the referrer nor the referee will receive the discount. If the referred customer is new to Zoomo, with no previous subscription or a previous subscription more than 90 days ago, the referral will be considered successful, and both the referrer and the referee will receive the discount.
Du findest deinen einmaligen Empfehlungscode in der E-Mail mit dem Empfehlungsangebot. Wenn Du deinen Empfehlungscode nicht in der E-Mail finden kannst, gib deinem Freund einfach deine E-Mail-Adresse, die mit deinem Zoomo-Konto verknüpft ist, und wir werden uns darum kümmern.
Natürlich kannst du das. Es gibt keine Begrenzung für die Anzahl der Personen, die Du für Zoomo werben kannst. Denk daran, dass die Person, die du an Zoomo verweist, ein neuer Kunde sein muss.
Sowohl Dir als auch Deinem Freund wird die Gutschrift automatisch von der nächsten Abo-Zahlung abgezogen, solange beide Konten aktiv sind.
Es gelten die üblichen Servicebedingungen für Miet- oder Ride-to-Own-Pläne.
Es kann bis zu 2 Wochen dauern, bis Dein Zoomo-Guthaben auf deinem Konto gutgeschrieben wird. Dein Freund muss den Empfehlungscode anwenden oder von einem Mitarbeiter des Geschäfts verifiziert werden, um den Empfehlungsrabatt in Anspruch nehmen zu können.
Wenn der geworbene Kunde innerhalb der letzten 90 Tage ein Zoomo-Abonnement hatte, wird die Empfehlung nicht als erfolgreich angesehen und weder der Werber noch der Geworbene erhalten den Rabatt. Wenn der Geworbene Kunde neu bei Zoomo ist, noch kein Abonnement hat oder das letzte Abonnement mehr als 90 Tage zurückliegt, wird die Empfehlung als erfolgreich angesehen und sowohl der Werber als auch der Geworbene erhalten den Rabatt.
You can find your unique referral code in the referral offer email. If you can’t find your referral code in the email, just give your friend the email address associated with your Zoomo account and we’ll take care of it
Of course you can. There is no limit to the number of people you can refer to Zoomo. Remember, the person you refer to Zoomo must be a new customer. It will only be valid for the referrer in the 2nd Month of a 3 or 6 months subscription starting January 2025*
The credit will be automatically deducted from your next subscription payment as long as both accounts are active.
Standard terms of service for rental or ride-to-own plans apply.
Please allow up to 2 weeks for your Zoomo credit appears in your account. Your friend must apply the referral code or be verified by a store employee to qualify for the referral discount.
If the referred customer has had a Zoomo subscription within the last 90 days, the referral will not be considered successful and the referrer will not receive the discount. If the referred customer is new to Zoomo, does not have a subscription, or it has been more than 90 days since their last subscription, the referral will be considered successful and both the referrer and the referred will receive the discount.
Copia y envía este enlace a tu amigo para que pueda pedir la cita (tenemos citas para el mismo día):
Madrid: https://go.ridezoomo.com/es-es/bikes/zero/booking/new?market=madrid
Barcelona: https://go.ridezoomo.com/es-es/bikes/zero/booking/new?market=barcelona
Valencia: https://go.ridezoomo.com/es-es/bikes/zero/booking/new?market=valencia
Por supuesto. No hay límite para la cantidad de personas que puedes recomendar a Zoomo. Ten en cuenta que la persona a la que refieres a Zoomo debe ser un cliente nuevo.
Tanto tú como tu amigo recibirán su crédito automáticamente deducido de su próximo pago de suscripción siempre que ambas cuentas estén al día.
Los términos de servicio estándar con planes de alquiler o Ride-to-Own aún se aplican.
Los términos de servicio estándar con planes de alquiler o Ride-to-Own aún se aplican.Su crédito Zoomo puede tardar hasta 2 semanas en acreditarse en su cuenta. Tu amigo debe aplicar tu código de referencia o ser verificado por el personal de la tienda para ser elegible para el descuento de referencia.
Si el cliente referido ha dado un número de teléfono equivocado o se ha olvidado darlo, la referencia no se considerará exitosa y ni el referidor ni el referido recibirán el descuento.
Tu peux trouver ton code de parrainage dans l’email que tu as reçu à ce sujet. Si tu ne le retrouves pas alors donne l’adresse email lié à ton compte Zoomo à ton ami et nous ferons le reste en magasin.
Bien sûr! Pour l’instant il n’y a pas de limite au nombre de personnes que tu peux parrainer chez Zoomo. Garde en tête que la personne que tu parraines doit être un nouveau client.
Ton ami et toi serez automatiquement crédité sur votre compte et ce crédit sera appliqué sur le prochain paiement mensuel de vos abonnements respectifs. Assure toi d’être à jour de tous tes paiements.
Les conditions générales standards sont toujours applicables.
Cela peut prendre jusqu'à 2 semaines pour créditer un compte Zoomo avec le bonus de parrainage. La personne qui a été parrainé doit utiliser le code du parrain à l’inscription ou se soumettre à une vérification en magasin par le personnel Zoomo pour bénéficier des avantages du programme.
Si la personne parrainée est un ancien client Zoomo le code de parrainage ne sera pas valable et ni le parrain ni le parrainé ne recevront de crédit sur leur compte. La personne parrainée doit être un nouveau client pour que l’on puisse considérer le parrainage comme valide.
*Le bonus de parrainage peut varier. N’hésitez pas à nous contacter pour connaître le montant exact.
Simply log into your Zoomo App and find your referral code in the “Refer & Earn” sections. If you’re still having trouble ask our staff in the workshop or contact us at hello@ridezoomo.com
Of course you can. There is no limit to the number of people you can refer to Zoomo. Bear in mind that the person you refer to Zoomo must be a new customer.
Both you and your friend will get your credit automatically deducted from your next subscription payment as long as both accounts are in good standing.
Standard terms of service with rental or Ride-to-Own plans still apply.
It may take up to 2 weeks for your Zoomo credit to be credited to your account. Your friend must apply and use your unique referral link in order to be eligible for the referral discount.
If your friend has had a Zoomo subscription within the last 90 days, the referral will not be considered successful, and neither you or your friend will receive the discount. If your friend is new to Zoomo, with no previous subscription or a previous subscription more than 90 days ago, the referral will be considered successful, and both the referrer and the referee will receive the discount.
Zoomo reserves the right to change or withdraw this offer at any time.